So I have finished all of the Sookie Stackhouse novels that are available to me and now I don't know what to do with myself... (I even checked the libraries in the area and all copies of the 9th book are out) I mean I guess I could start a different book, but what's the point if it doesn't include a dreamy vampire like Eric!
Cross the following off of my 'bucket list' (I hate that phrase):
My car ran out of gas on the way to work yesterday! Thankfully I was on my way to the gas station, but my car just quite working about 100 feet away from the turn lane. Something I didn't know...your power steering goes out if the car has no was definitely a struggle to pull the almost U turn I need to get into the parking lot. I was able to coast most of the way, but fell short by about 15 feet and had to ask some guy to PUSH ME! It was mortifying. And of course I kept babbling like a fool, saying this has never happened to me blah blah blah.
About the only other thing new with me is that I started working at Costco for the holiday season. I repeat it will only be for the HOLIDAY SEASON! I will have a 'real' job after that if it kills me...wait, don't they cancel your student loans if you are no longer among the living? Where is vampire Eric - whoops there I go again fantasizing that I am Sookie.
Also, my grace period is officially up and I have to start paying off my student loans at the end of the month. Ug
Random: did you know that the new standard in typing is to only put one space in between sentences...this could take some getting used to.
Also random: I NEED to start working out again! I have put it off because I haven't been able to find the pair of shoes - I am very particular about my running shoes and I haven't found a replacement for my beautiful New Balances yet. I have bought and returned two pairs already.
Music: Has everyone heard the new song by Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johansson? It is great, although I don't like the begining much. Stream The Current more if you haven't...
Billionaire Bacon
1 day ago
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