Setup: I am heading into GNC to buy a daily vitamin. I was planning on getting a prenatal vitamin since they are supposed to be good for your hair/skin/and nails, but as soon as I ran into the cute male employee I was too embarrassed to ask for those so I ended up getting just a regular daily vitamin that the good looking Shaun (yes that is how he spells his name, it is on my receipt) suggested was the best. So I went to the counter to pay for these and here is what happened:
Shaun: Did you know you can apply for the GNC member card and save 15% or $8.00 today?
Me: Oh yea! Here is the phone number for our membership....
Shaun: Who is Cherie? (The owner of the card)
Me: That is my mom.
Shaun: Well I am guessing a beautiful girl like you doesn't still live with her mom? (maybe I added in an adjective there)
Me: ....ummmmm, actually I do. (enter tomato red face, pay, and exit as quickly as possible)
Billionaire Bacon
2 days ago
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