First of all I am in the process of coming up with a new idea for my blog. I hate the layout and the header (which is why it is gone) and I feel like it lacks direction - even if the direction is my random thoughts I think it has to specify that. I know no one reads this except my mom, Kier, and Nic, but I would still like to pretend people care about what I am writing. I want it to be about what I do everyday obviously bc that is what I do everyday, but I also want to talk about books I am reading, how much life sucks right out of college, how lazy I am at looking for a job which makes life suck right out of college, how confused I am about life, how I overthink every single decision ever (like blog design), how I am training for a marathon, all the things I want to do, and of course about how awesome I am. SO anyways, that is a work in progress and my blog page may change 300 times in the near future, so stay tuned...
So let's see...since my last blog post I made this cake (Root Beer Float Cake, from previous post):

We 'ended' our date early because we had to get up early Saturday morning to head to the first ever Minneapolis Duathlon! Christian had a 5k run, 18 mile bike, and another 5k run ahead of him.
We got up at 6am and CKE raced at 8:05. I saw him and caught a pick at the end of the first 5k and then went to find a spot to see him in the bike portion. Well I brought my book with me and got a little too involved and suddenly heard a 'MADDIE' and turned just in time to see the back of CKE zoom away from me....uggg I couldn't believe it.

Anyways, to complete my stalker status I left work on Monday afternoon determined to see E Hutch at the Best Buy in Roseville where he was doing a free performance. Only problem was that he performed at 12 and I didn't get off work until 1. By the time I got there he was gone. My future hunsband evaded me yet again...
Back to reality (oh there goes rabbit), I pretty much am on my last few days at work. I am working today and then don't know when I will be working again, definetly not in the next few weeks if ever. I am, however, working on updating my resume and portfolio in hope of getting them finished before the long weekend starts.
Finished reading Julie and Julia. It was good....I thought the way it was written was a little confusing at times, but overall worth reading. I am super excited to see the movie this weekend in Washington!!!
Running.....well I skipped my 18 mile run last weekend. That was the first long run I have skipped - it seemed just a little too long. But I am back on track this week with a 5 mile run out of the way yesterday and a 9 mile run coming up after work tonight. Only worry is that about every 10th step I take it feels like my achilles is going to snap (maybe I should call that thing they call stretching) we will see how that goes when I am 5 miles from home....
That is all for now I suppose. I have a smoothie waiting to be drank and omg I almost forgot my delicious Golden Delicious Apple and Cheddar Turnovers with Dried Cranberries. The recipe is out of this months Bon Appetit magazine. They were good and look something like this:
(Now I am going to write good things and bad thing I have done during this post period because I think it would be fun to do)
Negative Nancy's:
Back to reality (oh there goes rabbit), I pretty much am on my last few days at work. I am working today and then don't know when I will be working again, definetly not in the next few weeks if ever. I am, however, working on updating my resume and portfolio in hope of getting them finished before the long weekend starts.

Running.....well I skipped my 18 mile run last weekend. That was the first long run I have skipped - it seemed just a little too long. But I am back on track this week with a 5 mile run out of the way yesterday and a 9 mile run coming up after work tonight. Only worry is that about every 10th step I take it feels like my achilles is going to snap (maybe I should call that thing they call stretching) we will see how that goes when I am 5 miles from home....
That is all for now I suppose. I have a smoothie waiting to be drank and omg I almost forgot my delicious Golden Delicious Apple and Cheddar Turnovers with Dried Cranberries. The recipe is out of this months Bon Appetit magazine. They were good and look something like this:

Negative Nancy's:
- I skipped my 18 mile run and feel guilty
- I still haven't finished my portfolio and Seattle is coming up in 2 weeks
- I am soon to be out of a job
- I have finished a first draft of my final resume, which is a step in the right find a job direction
- I am going to Washington this weekend!
- I got to see E Hutch perform and am now more in love with him than ever (could this be a negative since now I just want to have his babies even more and am no closer to it being a reality...?)
Oh that cake looks so good! Was it good enough to make again this weekend?
I want to do a duatholon now...that wouldn't be too hard, would it?
Bring Julie and Julia to me this weekend...and some of those apple turnovers! And we can work on your blog when you are here...after our 14 mile run.
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