So I skipped my run yet again on Tuesday. But I went out for my 9 mile run yesterday with the best intentions, leaving the house at 7pm. Well fall is definitely upon us because it was dark by 8 - I was about 2 miles out still. One of the perks of living with your mommy is that she can come and pick you up if it gets to dark, which is what I had asked her to do before I left. Well I saw her pull out of our neighborhood and head towards me, I waved, assuming she saw me...and she kept going! She missed me. So now I had to run the last 1.5 miles in the pitch black through our neighborhood that has no street light. Let me tell you I was tired, but this was a full out sprint - there were frogs E V E R Y W H E R E ! ! ! and of course I couldn't see them until they were frantically trying to avoid my feet. Yuck!

I rewarded myself with a shower and a few margaritas! My new theory - this marathon is going to go great....why train anymore for it??

(Oh, the '-1' is because I definitely took a very long walk break in the middle of my run)
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